Sunday, October 24, 2010

What the class liked. What I like.

1. Above is the image that the class found most interesting.  The main points that were made is that this image is visually dramatic, and that the silhouette adds emphasis to the image.  The negative aspects that were mentioned is that the location is somewhat hard to determine, and does this image have a universal appeal?  If I were to re-shoot this assignment,  I would have probably found a way to shoot this image with a football player in full uniform on an actual football field.  This would make it obvious what the location was and why the model was there.  

2. Below is the image that I find most interesting.  A few things about this image really make it stand out to me.  First of all, the environment that I chose for this image was one of a run-down alley, a strong contrast  to the well-dressed model.  Andrea (the model), with her very nicely done hair and fancy dress, stood out quite nicely in this environment and I love to create contrast (not necessarily color contrast, but rather aesthetic contrast) in every image that I shoot.  The model's pose is very nice, and I enjoy the way the small section of the wall she is standing by is decaying and breaking down.  This decay makes you want to read into what exactly is going on in this picture, and to me, gives it a universal appeal.

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